For past few weeks, I have met a circle of souls who are all kindred spirits of the roaring age. So for this I bow down humbly to the powers of social media and the modern age, without which I would still be sat alone in my room with the lamp burning low, shrill cornet bleats and quivering voices rising from my gramophone. Surrounded by sepia photographs hanging around my head, I grieved that there would be no one else in the world with whom I could ever really share the magic of that world with.
And so in celebration of these new found souls, I hereby declare a twenties revival society; the flame has been lit again, and we shall bask in the brightness of the bright young things!
In greedy haste, on pleasure bent,
We have no time to think, or feel
What need is there for sentiment
Now we've invented Sex Appeal?
We've silken legs and scarlet lips,
We're young and hungry, wild and free,
Our waists are round about the hips
Our shirts are well above the knee
We've boyish busts and Eton crops,
We quiver to the saxophone.
Come, dance before the music stops,
And who can bear to be alone?
Come drink your gin, or sniff your 'snow',
Since Youth is brief, and Love has wings,
And time will tarnish, ere we know,
The brightness of the Bright Young Things.
"Women of 1926" - James Laver.